Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CD Odyssey Disc 10: Michelle Shocked

I seem to be getting a lot of music I picked up in my early 20s. I once worked on the green chain in a lumber mill with a guy who said after 25 you don't pick up new music. Not at all true, but the dice seem to want to agree with that dude.

Disc 10 is...Short Sharp Shocked

Artist: Michelle Shocked

Year of Release: 1988

How I Came To Know It: This was my second Michelle Shocked purchase - I got interested in her in 1992 when I was heavy into my folk music phase. I heard "Come A Long Way" - Short, Sharp, Shocked is just me drilling backward.

How It Stacks Up: I've got 3 Michelle Shocked albums. This one is a strong second in my books, although most people say it is her best. It is certainly a classic.

Rating: 3 stars.

This album is solid, and features the 5 star track "Anchorage". Anchorage is an incredible story filled with subtext about a woman writing to an old friend. We know that somehow a man (Leroy) has come between them, but the song is subtle enough, and respects you enough to let you figure it out.

Short Sharp Shocked is a folk album in my book, but Michelle Shocked has a real bluesy quality about her throughout. She has great phrasing as a vocalist, and as is often the case with the better folk musicians, she tells a good story.

One thing I love about all 3 of my Michelle Shocked albums is on each one she really tries a new style. I'm sure this has kept her from being famous, since she probably loses some audience with each change. Personally, I like that she's willing to take risks. Any moron can write pointless formulaic music (note to Nickelback - please stop any time). No, this will not be the last time I attack Nickelback. Yes, it is like shooting fish in a barrel, but they are evil fish, and need to die.

But I digress...

The cover photo is a bit goofy. Maybe I just don't go for the "protest action shot".

Best tracks: Anchorage, Memories of East Texas, If Love Was a Train

1 comment:

Sheila said...

This is the album most people know - "Anchorage" was a pretty solid radio hit. I don't listen to this one much, but I have uploaded a few songs from it.